Thank You

The Davis Museum extends our deepest gratitude to the following individual donors, corporate sponsors, and foundations for their generous support.

This list recognizes individual gifts at the highest levels made between July 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019.

Director’s Circle ($10,000+)
Sylvia Fergus ’76
Lizbeth Krupp ’90
Lindsay Meredith Miller ’69
Kimberly Richter Shirley ’84

Director’s Circle Gifts In-Kind

Maria Morris Hambourg Barlow ‘71
Jim Berquist
Suzanne Ciani ‘68
Peter J. Cohen
Estate of Susan A. Denker ‘79, M.A.
Mimi Dohan ‘59
Jacqueline Loewe Fowler ‘47
Jeffrey Fraenkel & Frish Brandt
Alan Helms
Cecily E. Horton ‘80
Mildred L. Cooper Glimcher ‘61
Peter H. and Joan Macy Kaskell ‘53
John and Susan Klein
Fundación Esteban Lisa
Estate of Nelda and Douglas McDermott
Jorge Virgili Maidique Family
Mildred Goldsmith Palley ‘78
Reverend Doctor Jennifer M. Phillips ‘73
Jose Soriano in memory of Liliane Pingoud Soriano ‘49
Lois Wasserspring
Adriana Eller Williams ‘55    
Francis H. Williams
Martina Schaap Yamin ‘58
Marjorie Yashar ‘62

Curator’s Circle ($5,000-$9,999)

Virginia Aisner ‘67
Hope Anderson ‘81
Julia Langdon Antonatos ’85
Janet Wood Diederichs ’50
Evelyn Donatelli ‘85
Sylvia Dawson Fergus ’76
Ruth Harris ‘59
Ellen Reynolds Harris ’68
Alynn D. Harvey ’86
Nancy Lee Smith Kemper ’73
Helyn L. MacLean ’80
Mary Hammond Norton ’54
Christine Reese ’88
Fran Lewitter Schulman ’75
Cheryl Mastren Schwartz ’68
Rosamond Vaule ‘59

Curator’s Circle Gifts In-Kind

Allison Faircloth Brown ‘73
Nancy Barclay Graves ‘48
Lisa Kereszi

Corporate Sponsors

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Foundation Grants and Awards


Tamara L. Harris Foundation, Inc.

Additional Donors

Prateek and Priyanka Raja, Jane B. DeBevoise, Jane Penner, and Juli Raja

Wellesley Campus Co-sponsors 

Africana Studies
Art Department
Botanic Gardens
Cinema and Media Studies
Computer Science
Harambee House
Knapp Center
Media Arts and Sciences
Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.
Paulson Ecology of Place Initiative
Regeneration Farm
Slater International Center
Suzy Newhouse Center for the Humanities